Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Breaking News . . .

 Friends and Fans -

I have been unable to lament this last eighteen months or so.  The reason?  I have been in hospital (or, as our German allies say "Das Krankenhaus."  With your leave I will digress for a moment to point out that IMHO, 'Krankenhaus" conveys the nature of the building, and it's purpose, more accurately than "hospital." I mean, who would voluntarily go to a "hospital" unless they were krankened, afflicted with krankenitis, or temporary playing host to the life-threatening kranken virus?)

Where was I?  Yes, in das krankenhaus, struck down by a debilitating attack of  non-melancholic merrimentosis, (common name cheerfulness.)  But be sure, be very sure, I am now convalescing and, as one more famous than I said . . .


and every bit as gloomy as usual. 

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I welcome your comments, the gloomier the better. I don't think there's much hope, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in what you have to say. If you expect me to approve your comment before it appears, you're about to be disappointed. Never have understood why some hypersensitive bloggers need to see what others say before they allow the comment. Poor, sensitive wee souls.