Friday, 15 September 2023

Lamentation Number Thirty Eight

No Use Crying . . . 

Wrote love-letters. Spilt
black ink all over them. Stormed
out. (Fate always wins . . . )

This despondent haiku (5-7-5 syllables) is my response to Magaly's prompt on Poets&Storytellers United, where me were asked to reflect on Love, Ink and Storm.  What a recipe for heartache!


  1. I loved it! Thanks for a neat but gloomy offering. :-)

  2. No crying over spilt ink lol Good one

  3. Useless efforts sending those love letters. Nice use of the prompt words.
    Thanks for peeking in on me.

  4. Well done and succinctly true, fate does seem to win.

  5. Lets hope it wasn't a foretelling!

  6. True, no use crying.....but still

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Could have dodged a bullet, or decades later may wonder "what if." I do wonder if the planned recipient isn't better off? Storming off in anger, giving up by calling it fate? Gave up too easily if it had been "true love."

  9. Nice response to the prompt. Is the person better or worse off? Who knows?


I welcome your comments, the gloomier the better. I don't think there's much hope, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in what you have to say. If you expect me to approve your comment before it appears, you're about to be disappointed. Never have understood why some hypersensitive bloggers need to see what others say before they allow the comment. Poor, sensitive wee souls.