Sunday, 11 August 2013

Lamentation Twenty Four

A Snapped Elastic Haiku

You think I enjoy
standing like this?  If I don't
my knickers fall down.

The prompts from Willow Manor are unfailingly entertaining.  Mag 181 is no exception.


  1. Of course, now the guy in knickers takes all the attention from the lovely lady! Great little poem.

  2. i wonder what that feel like? wearing knickers??? having them fall down? causing that kind of embarrassment??? on the other hand...nah... i like it better today. :)

    Dance to the Moulin Rouge

  3. For someone who purports to be miserable, you have a very good sense of humour!

    1. Thank you, Frances. Thinking of someone's knickers falling down on the dance floor nearly broke my heart.

  4. Replies
    1. It's alright for some, giggling in the middle of environmental collapse, economic armageddon, death, famine, war and pestilence. Keep smiling though - if you can.

  5. Excellent! She does look a trifle uncomfortable - or slightly deformed, one or the other... :)

    1. See Helen above. She alone spotted that my haiku is for the goon in pantaloons standing akimbo. Although I didn't realise this when I posted.

  6. That was before duct tape was invented--wasn't it?

    1. Thanks Jerry. That's WHY duct tape was invented.

  7. Is that miserable looking old git on the stool really you? Inspired haiku, Horseman.

  8. Loved this humorous view of the Mag this week...nothing worse than knickers in a knot! LOL


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