Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Lamentation Seven

No Afters Haiku

A Dinner Table at Night, 1884, John Singer Sargent

Foot presses on foot,
toe lifts her hemline. "Stop that!
I have a headache."

A disconsolate and discouraging response to Tess Kincaid's picture prompt for Magpie 129.  Let's hope John Singer Sargent was more persuasive and charming than the stuffed shirt in his picture,


  1. Sorry; I can't be gloomy. Not with such an enjoyable haiku. :-)

  2. This is going to be one of my faves!!!!

  3. Great! I love the short witty ones!

  4. She'd lost her sense of fun too. A witty take on the prompt.

  5. Just look at her face, of course she has a headache! :)

  6. Hahaha! Captured to perfection! :)

  7. Maybe he shouldn't have had that last glass of port. Her face says it all doesn't it?

  8. dang it foiled by the head ache again...

  9. Hey! Hey! That was one of the best haiku's I've read from a prompt! Well done!


I welcome your comments, the gloomier the better. I don't think there's much hope, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in what you have to say. If you expect me to approve your comment before it appears, you're about to be disappointed. Never have understood why some hypersensitive bloggers need to see what others say before they allow the comment. Poor, sensitive wee souls.