Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Lamentation Thirty

An intriguing picture from Ms. Kincaid brings me out of retirement  . . .

Life's No Picnic Haiku

"No picnic's complete
without maple syrup?  Now
there's wasps in my sock."

Visit The Mag for other folks' views

Monday, 10 February 2014

Lamentation Twenty Nine

In response to the picture prompt for Mag 206 from Tess Kincaid.

Kiss Me Quaiku.

"If the wind changes
that face will stick," Mummy said.
 "You glad it did, Dad?"

Follow the link above the title to see other Mag entries.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Lamentation Twenty Eight

Haiku for Summers Past.

"The Mill" Andrew Wyeth 1964.

In such cold weather
what warms the heart more than a
cartload of ice cream.

My response to the prompt for Mag 204 from Tess Kincaid at Willow Manor.